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Sandra Laws - Career Coach

If you are looking for a new job in 2023, this article is for you. We are going to look at the five best strategies that you can use to help you find a new job this year.

During the months of January and February, there is a surge in the number of people looking for jobs. Over the Christmas break, many people have had time to relax, reflect and consider new options for their careers. According to Monster Jobs, there is a flurry of hiring during in January and February.

Finding a new job is a process that takes commitment, discipline and persistence. I am going explore five effective strategies that you can apply to your job search:


?Brainstorm the type of ideal jobs that aligns with your overall career goal. What goals you do want to achieve in the new job? What core values are important to you in an employer. What type of salary do you want? Keep an open mind on the type of jobs and sectors you might apply for.

Determine what is making you dissatisfied with your current job and identify what is you want to change about your career. Is it the type of work, your colleagues, clients, the salary, or the work environment?


“Everyone is a salesman, and the product is each person. Personal branding is being conscious to the continual nature of selling yourself”. Jarod Kintz

Begin the process by making a list of all your achievements and core skills. Your personal stories are a powerful tool to sell your achievements in an interview. Use for the format of storytelling to draft your stories. Building a connection and building trust with people are key elements of selling.

It would be a useful to document of all your achievements: record your achievements in a word document or notebook. Prepare your stories from your work experiences that showcase your skills. For example, you may have developed a solution to a problem, or you went beyond the call of duty to complete a project. It is important to highlight the degree of difficulty when describing challenging situations. Keep the organisation’s needs and your relevant skills at the centre of your story. Your collection of achievement stories will serve as a crucial resource for your interview preparation. Prepare your stories now so that you have them at hand for any potential interviews.

Use the STAR format to frame your interview stories. If you are not familiar with the STAR technique, check out this blog post


Check to ensure the email address and mobile number on your CV are accurate. When I reviewed CVs in my recruitment role, I found many job candidates forget to update their contact information on the CV. Don't forget to Include any new awards, training courses and work projects on your updated CV.

Register with recruitment agencies and sign up on online job search engines to receive email job alerts. Apply for jobs directly on the organisation or company websites.

When you apply for positions, your CV should be tailored to match the requirements in the job description. Read the job description carefully and highlight key words that are used to describe the skills and responsibilities. Include these key words in your CV when describing your achievements. Example keywords from job description: financial, deadlines, planning, meetings, negotiation, empathy.


Job interviews can be a daunting experience and being prepared is crucial if you want to make a strong impression to the interviewer. There is a strong connection between preparation and success. A mock interview is an opportunity for you to practice your interview answers. The job description and person specification are the starting points to draft answers for your mock interview. The job description summarises the context of the role and main responsibilities whilst the person specification is primarily focused on the selection criteria: the skills and abilities, relevant experience, specialist knowledge, education and training.

Begin by reviewing the personal specification and drafting your own example questions and answers. You can practice your answers by recording your answers into the voice recorder on your phone or stand in front of a mirror. A relative or friend can also help you by asking you the example questions and giving you some honest feedback. I have created an audio mock interview kit where I walk you through a mock interview practice session.


Join networks and professional associations to find out what is happening in your industry. Review industry news and business articles for the sector you want to work in. Pay attention news updates on restructuring, staff promotions, and new developments in the industry.

Update your social media profiles. There are some employers who check the social media profiles of job candidates. Check your social media profiles for any comments or posts that might be offensive, controversial, or embarrassing.

Finally, finding a new job does not happen without a plan. If you follow the above five strategies, you will be better prepared and find it easier to land job offers.

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The only way to permanently install a new habit is to direct so much energy towards it that the old one slips away like an unwelcome house guest – Robin Sharma, author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

You will find information, support, tip and guidance to nail the job interview in the weekly podcast: Jump Start Your Career.

I am only two weeks ago from launching the Ultimate Career Planner. To join the wait list, email:

How can I support you in 2023? What career goals are you working on right now? Book a free 30-minute consultation, email



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